Video Stumble: Robots that play DDR? (And I don't mean Take or Yasu.) Print
Written by DarkTetsuya   
Monday, 01 August 2011 23:12


One of the most interesting stories that I think happened this week was actually tweeted by Konami's official DDR twitter account (@Konami_DDR) Apparently someone's trying to program a robot to be able to play Dance Dance Revolution! In the 9 years we've done the show, I've always wondered if we would ever see the day someone would be able to train a robot/AI to play DDR...and it looks like this guy might be on the right track!

So hit the jump to check out some in-progress videos of this interesting-looking project.



Day one: Simple motor manipulation:

Day one (part two):

DDR Motions with DARwin-OP: (Yes they've constructed a mini hard pad for him... and yes he holds the bar.:P)

DARwin-OP Programmed motions: (Perhaps one day he will learn to freestyle? We shall see!):

If you're interested in following this project, subscribe to YouTube channel RobotDDR!

Last Updated on Monday, 01 August 2011 23:30