Deekman's Best of E3! Print
Written by Deekman   
Monday, 08 June 2009 17:54

jak_and_daxterE3 09 has wrapped up and while I'm sure everyone won't agree with my choices here's what I saw that has me bouncing off the walls with excitement for the next year in gaming!

What is it I'm looking forward to you ask? Find out after the break!


Crackdown 2

One of the most surprisingly fun, over powered, super hero, sand box games returns for a second run. The original crackdown had you running, jumping and driving around Pacific City taking down gangs with a host of severely over powered weaponry. Crackdown 2 looks like more of the same super her fun but from the looks of the trailer the game will incorporate monsters for you to deal with now as well. Perhaps something will be a challenge to the Crackdown agents.

Monkey Island Series/Remake

The second greatest adventure game series (The Neverhood FTW) of all time makes a comeback in a 5 month episodic adventure by Telltale games creators of Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People. The humour looks to be the same as in the classic series and to top it off they've brought back Dominic Armato as the voice of Guybrush Threepwood wanna be pirate!

Assassins Creed 2

This time we're in Rome and Da Vinci is hooking you up with his sweet ass inventions! This picture sums up my want for this game.


Just Cause 2

Over the top sandbox shooter that lets you attach zip-lines to everything including jumbo jets and letting you parachute along behind them while shooting a bazooka! The first one got a bad rap when it came out, but for me it was my first Xbox 360 game and the over the top plane stealing, open environment game play was perfect and I can't wait for more!

Beatles Rock Band

It's the Beatles in Rock Band. What more could you wan. I've never been more excited for a music game than I have for this one.

Half-Minute Hero

This is one game that got totally over looked by everyone at E3. 30 Second Hero is an RPG with a twist on the game play. Every quest lasts only 30 seconds. Play through an epic adventure with a host of monsters, attacks and landscapes while trying to stay just 1 step ahead of the countdown clock!

Jak & Daxter PSP

I'm disappointed there's no PS3 outing for Jak and Daxter but fans of the series like me love it no matter where it goes! This great portable adventure is set to pick up where the original trilogy left off. This time however it's a race for Eco (the worlds fuel source) mad max style. Heading to the new edge of the world to find an ancient piece of technology that can stop the planets destruction.


This is another little puzzle game you may have heard about. Write any noun into the game and POOF! it magically appears. There's literally thousands of words and objects in this game. If you need to push a whale back in to the water how do you do it? Helicopter? Blimp? Bulldozer? Dozens of Balloons and a fan? The choice is up to you and with literally thousands of objects built into it this game is set to be mountains of creative fun.

Golden Sun DS

The next chapter in the epic RPG series that was born on the Nintendo GBA back in 2001. For most people when you ask what there favorite RPG on the GBA was they'll say Golden Sun. It's fast and simple with lovable characters and a fantastic story! Golden Sun DS is a welcome return to a great game series.


Who saw this coming? I sure didn't. Oh I expected some kind of wand or Wiimote rip off but this was totally out of no where! Natal is of course the new people sensing tri camera system from Microsoft that's going to revolutionise the gaming industry and from what we saw at E3 it might just be able to do that. I still have reservations about how well the tech is going to work once it's in peoples homes. Like the Wii mote the idea was great but once we got it we realised everything was canned and overly the controller kinda sucked. Natal, from the limited experience people have had with it though, seems like a great step in the right direction for Microsoft.