I Love That Song! - Another forgotten classic Print
Written by DarkTetsuya   
Tuesday, 13 July 2010 20:55


(Due to legal reasons I can't make this song available for download directly.)

I noticed everyone seemed to like my pick from last week, so I might do more DDR songs in the future. but after listening to oldass episode #69 (www.olrchive.tk plug plug) this song was mentioned, and I remembered just how much I loved it back in the day.

Of course back then I wasn't nearly as good at IIDX as I am today, back in the day during our semi- (as in whenever the fuck we could all get together) annual BEMANI parties, I remember one in particular where I was attempting this song and just couldn't quite nail the scales at the end of it (where you'd hit the 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 keys in rapid succession) so I'd always lose a large chunk of groove gauge and wind up failing... luckily today I'm much better and that ending part doesn't give me nearly as much trouble, while there are still some parts of it that give me issues, it's not enough to make me fail the song.